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Gratis Attunement Reiki Kundalini Dan Cakra Ilahi

Free Attunement of Reiki Kundalini and Highest Chakras

Free Attunement of Reiki Kundalini
and Highest Cakras

 Free Attunement of Reiki Kundalini and Highest Cakras

A. Introduction

Reiki is taken from Japanese language. It consists of two words, Rei and ki. Rei means Universe Ki means ennergy. Ki is also called Chi. We can conclude that Reiki is universe energy. This energi can be used to heal our body and keep our body fit. Kundalini is sacred energy whish lies deep in the beneath perineum. It looks like a snakes coil. Each oh people has kundalini. Actually kundalini is spiritual ennergy. This energy is dormant unless it's awakened by a master of kundalini. Highest cakras are cakras which located at the top of crown cakras. Highest chakras produce highest energy than Rei ki. It is known that kundalini Reiki and highest cakras are techniques of using two kinds of energy. First, Reiki is a technique on how to use universe energy in healing process. How does this ennergy work? Universe energy flow from the top of crown chakra through the lowest chakra, it cleanses our body and reduces negative energy.
Second, Kundalini is a technique of using spiritual energy to improve one spiritual consciousness. This energy flows in Sushumna channel from the perineum to the crown chakra, Shusumna is well known as the main energy channel. Kundalini flows along this channel and burn negative energy in our body. One must be attuned by Reiki Kundalini Master. First he can use universe energy and it flows in his body automatically. What is attunement? Attunement is a short process to generate one's energy frequency with universe energy frequency. Having been attuned, one can use universe energy to heal himself and others along his life. Learning this technique is very easy and simple. This technique doesn't opposite with any religion. Now, We presents free attunement program. If you want to learn this technique, you should browse some books or references about Reiki to support your practicing. We hope you to tell these information to everybody. So you can discuss it with them. How to use Reiki and highest cakras energy?
First, move your hands, and lie them on your body. You should be relax, then the energy will flow in your body fluently, feel the energy flow over every part of your body. Trust that God gives energy and makes everything well.

B. Descent Reiki

Reiki is retrieved by Mikao Usui in 1922, he liked Meditation indeed. He lived in Sanmon Monastry on Kurawa mountain, Kyoto Japan. Then, he meditated and fasted for 21 days. He felt Wonderful Vibration of energi flowed through in his body. The energi opened his crown cakra and flowed to the lowest cakra. That is the first attunement and retrieve of the ancient healing technique.

C. Deo Reiki Function

1. To make our relationship with our God closer (yoga)
2. To keep our body health
3. To cure physical, emotional and mental sickness (holistic)
4. To protect us from the negative energy (aura/auric)
5. To reduce depression and stress
6. To bring us in the deep meditation
7. To make our skin smoother
8. To improve our intelligence

D. Advantages of Deo Reiki

1. It's easy to learn and to practice
2. It takes only ten minutes to open energy channel
3. No restriction
4. The energy flow automatically in healing every part of our body
5. Negative energy cannot contaminate us when we heal somebody
6. We can use two kinds of energy in healing process

E. Deo Reiki Levels

1. Reiki level 1
- One has capability in healing himself and other by using Re iki healing energi
- Preparation for higher level and Kundallini awakening

2. Reiki level 2
- Distance healing
- Kundallini awakening
- Use Symbols to get healing energy

3. Reiki level 3
- Direct mass healing
- Make automatical healing program

4. Highest chakras (Shing Chi)
- Opening the highest chakras
- High ennergy vibration
- Speed up healing process

F. Free Distant Attunement

1. You should read about rei ki from a book or visit
2. Print my fotograph. Set my fotograph in front of you and look at the fotograph for a while

3. Sit on a chair or in meditated position, and make sure your body straight
4. Lie your hand in your laps, then pray and relax
5. Say this affirmation :
a)" I intend to get Rei ki attunement level.........(1, or 2, or 3from Master Eko Heru ". (three times)

b)" I intend to get highest chakra atunement from Master Eko Heru". (have to get Rei ki level 3)
6. While you are about it, close your eyes and relax for 15 minutes
7. Say thank to GOD
8. Send your comment and you feeling along this atunement

G. Free Atunement schedules

1. Rei ki level 1 : Every Monday at 06.00 - 12.00 Pm
2. Rei ki level 2 : Every Friday at 06.00 - 12.00 Pm
3. Rei ki level 3 : Every Sunday at 06.00 - 12.00 Pm
4. The highest chakra atunement is held on 1 st and 15 th every month at 06.00 - 12.00 Pm

H. Free Distant Healing

1. Print my fotograph. Set my fotograph in front of you and look at the fotograph for a while
2. Sit on chair or in meditated position and make sure your body straight
3. Lie your hand in your laps, then pray and relax
4. Say this affirmation :
"In blessing of GOD, I intend to receive Divine healing energy from Master Eko Heru"
5. While you about it, close your eyes and relax
6. Say thank to GOD
(You can do it for 24 hours)

 Energi has been given on this fotograph

Grand Master Eko Heru Nugroho

Wirogunan Mg II / 747
New Address: 
Eko Heru Nugroho
Jl. Silva Gunung Poteng, RT. 01 / 01 Pajintan
Singkawang Timur, Kota Singkawang
Kalimantan Barat 79251


This website is programmed with energy for a lifetime or a lifetime. As long as this website is active and can be open, the initiation / opening is still ongoing. This website is made so that many people can feel the benefits, especially health. More than that, people can spread kindness to others. Healthy life without drugs. Drug independent. Naturally healthy.
All the techniques in this place are natural or natural by using the universal energy. We do not use magic / jinn at all. Every living thing needs natural energy for its survival. The methods on this site do not conflict with any religion. By practicing self-healing, the heart will be peaceful, calm, and patient so that it is hoped that people will get closer to God. Humans will be more comfortable when carrying out their religious worship.
I, Master Eko Heru Nugroho, started teaching these things since 2002. The span of time is quite long. Lots of experience gained. In 2006, I registered this institution with a notary with the Notary Deed of Siti Asmaul Khusnah, S.H. No. 06, February 23, 2006 in order to have legal force. The method of exercise or affirmation has been practiced by thousands of people, both domestically and abroad. Energy programming on this website aims to make it easier for practitioners to learn and practice. So, even though it's a long distance, I still help. Energy is limitless by space, time, and distance. Wherever you are, you can study with us.
If you want to study directly, you can contact us. Currently, we provide 3 training and treatment clinics, namely: Yogyakarta City, Singkawang City, and Tegal Regency. Please make an agreement or an appointment to meet. We will spend some time in the midst of busy events and daily routines.
The exercises or affirmations in this place are easy to practice, simple, and do not require a lot of energy. You just have to take the time. By practicing regularly and every day, it is hoped that you will get many benefits as noted above. Diligent to practice. This of course will cost you your time. However, your sacrifice will be rewarded with many benefits. Happy training and good luck.
Eko Heru Nugroho
Eko Heru Nugroho Selamat datang di situs Eko Heru Nugroho.

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